J-Tainment of the Week

God Motha's Elite ROL's Sunshine

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Talented Release Albums, Part I

As I was away on vacay, a slew of talented artists and newbies came out with new albums. Here they are in chronological release date order…

Track List:
01. 她扔了根火柴(国) (She Threw Away A Match)
02. 月亮说 (Moon Says)
03. 大笨钟 (Bulky Clock)
04. 低科技之歌 (Low Tech Song)
05. I’m Sorry
06. 我不打算流眼泪(国) (I Don’t Plan on Crying – Mandarin)
07. 小团圆 (Little Reunion)
08. 记住 记住 (合唱: 王菀之&常石磊) (Remember Remember – Duet)
09. 粒糖有毒 (Candy Has Poison)
10. 迷失艺术 (Art of Confusion)
11. 月亮事(国) (Moon Business – Mandarin)
12. Mary Had A Little Clock

Ivana Wong - On The Wings of Time

Ivana Wong, one of the first and most notable female song-writing and singing artist of the Cantonese music industry, as many of their female singers did (do) not compose and are heavily packaged by record companies, released On Wings of Time on 10.29.09. She was, to me, a breakthrough from the dance-y, pop-y, and flashy young generation of Canto singers in the early 2000s. Her music is not usually mainstream and has more of a soul-searching aspect to it, but I love the originality and creativity of her works – very melancholy indie.

Ivana Wong – Moon Says, Bulky Clock
Ivana Wong

Credit: minishopm12

Track List:
01. 雨后天空 (The Sky After Rain)
02. 画沙 (Painting Sand)
03. 唱首歌因为思念 (Sing A Song For Missing You)
04. 热气球 (Hot Air Balloon)
05. 笨鱼曲 (Stupid Fish Song)
06. I’m Sorry
07. 你不爱我了 (You Don’t Love Me)
08. 舞带威胁 (Dance of Coercion)
09. 很旅行的爱情 (A Love That Is Journey)
10. 那年我们一起许愿 (The Year We Made A Wish)

Cindy Yen

New artist Cindy Yen debuts with prominent support from legendary Jay Chow, lyricist Fang Wen Shan, and magnate record company Sony Music on 10.30.2009. Cindy’s album has Jazz/R&B influences and instrumental emphasis due to her background. The girl is skilled in both piano and violin, and writes her own music – following the growing trend of musically inclined female artists in Taiwan. And to show off these attributes, Sony released the following theme track MV, featuring a duet with Jay Chow and Cindy’s instrumental talents.

Cindy Yen & Jay Chow – Painting Sand
Cindy Yen
Lyrics: Fang Wen Shan

Credit: mleXiHuanNi

Track List :
01. 关于我 (About Me)
02. 解high人 (Solve For “High” Person)
03. 看见什么吃什么 (Eat What You See)
04. 耳朵 (Ear)
05. 飘 (Drift)
06. 说谎 (Lying)
07. 心酸 (Heartache)
08. 唐人街 (Tang Ren Road)
09. 歇斯底里 (Hysteria)
10. 另一个自己 (Another Me)
11. 感同身受 (Similar Feelings)

Yoga Lin

Yoga Lin, one of my favorite contestants and the winner of Taiwan’s Million Dollar Star singing competition, the legendary Season 1, released his 2nd album on 10.30.2009. Of this 1st season, a record number of now-famous talented singer discoveries were made, including Yoga Lin, Jam Hsiao, and Aska Yang Zhong Wei. Yoga Lin, as the youngest “Prince” of the “Four Princes” of Season 1, is often compared to his idol, "King of Songs" and "Singing Genius," Eason Chan, who also arose out of a singing competition and has a very laid-back, mesmerizing, unique interpretation of song vocalization. Like Eason, Yoga has an uncanny ability to express & make “unpopular” or “cold” songs, likeable. His record company is not averse to spending big bucks on this now 22 year old “singing genius” – spending record budgets on a newbie, hoping to nurture another "King of Songs."

For Yoga’s debut album, Mysterious Guest, Click Here!

Yoga Lin – Lying

Credit: mengsion

The God Motha

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